

Antigone Theater Basel

Antigone  Theater Basel

A tragedy after Sophocles in a version in Baseldytsch by Lucien Haug Antigone contradicts. Her brother died on the battlefield as a traitor. That is why King Creon refuses to pay him his last respects. But Antigone rebels. Against the law, the new ruler and in the end also against the citizens of Thebes. A woman's opinion does not count for much here. Creon threatens to bury her alive. Greek drama is a dialogue between the main characters and the chorus, between the citizens and their tragic heroines. After the success of 'Onkel Wanja' in Swiss German, Antú Romero Nunes invites a choir of Basel residents to the Schauspielhaus. Together with the company, they tell the myth of Antigone in Swiss German dialect for the first time.

Seat selection [Theater Basel, 27.01.2024 - 19:30

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Antigone Theater Basel

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Theater Basel Raffinerie Webanimation Mobile Teil 2 on Vimeo