



Both native and non-native species of ladybugs abound in New England. 

Ladybugs - Pest Control

Ladybugs and Your Home: Everything You Need to Know

Learn about Ladybugs from Melissa – Horizon Montessori School

10 Big Surprises About Ladybugs - NWF

10 Big Surprises About Ladybugs - NWF

Ladybug facts and photos

Pests We Treat Technical Papers - LadyBugs: Pretty to Look At Until They Infest Your Home

Ladybugs (Hippodamia convergens)

The mighty ladybug has a voracious appetite for more than just aphids – Marin Independent Journal

Native ladybugs lose ground to foreign species

What Is a Ladybug's Life Cycle and Why Do They Return Each Spring

What's the Difference Between Ladybugs and Asian Lady Beetles? - Plunkett's Pest Control