

TRX BOSU Push-up Progressions

TRX BOSU Push-up Progressions

We’ve had dozens of requests for information on using the TRX Suspension Trainer with a BOSU, so we’ve enlisted the help of Brian Schiff, a physical therapist, fitness professional and experienced BOSU-er, to put together some TRX BOSU exercises to add variety to your routine and really challenge your core stability and balance. There are several ways to incorporate the BOSU with the TRX to add challenge to traditional exercises like the push-up. The key thing to remember is keeping strict form throughout the entire movement. Sacrificing form for more reps or to move on to the next progression is not recommended. The exercises performed in the video progress from easiest to hardest in terms of stability level, not necessarily perceived exertion as narrow grip push-ups may seem more tiring than offset. The TRX BOSU exercise progression Brian performs in
We’ve had dozens of requests for information on using the TRX Suspension Trainer with a BOSU, so we’ve enlisted the help of Brian Schiff, a

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