

Bonnets bébé ajustable en coton biologique - Dreams

Bonnets bébé ajustable en coton biologique - Dreams

Fulfilled by our friends at EstellaEstella's organic baby hats in black, grey & brown are soft and are a reliable basic. This crucial baby accessory is the perfect infant hat - the basic colors work with any outfit and keeps baby warm in air condition or cool weather. Complements many Estella organic newborn toys and clothes, especially the stripe baby romper and bear soother. Combine this hat with any of them for a wonderful newborn baby gift.

Estella Organic Baby Bonnet Hats, Hand Knit

Sevira Kids - Bonnet de Naissance en Coton Biologique Certifié

Bonnets bébé ajustable en coton biologique - Dreams

Bonnet bébé en coton bio équitable

Bonnet bébé coton bio

Nos marques : plus de 900 créateurs Mode & Design

Soft custom designed headband-Premium elastic band, Pretty snug, stay on all night but not too tight, no mark on forehead. It's large and the band is soft to the skin. Roomy and thick curly Hair- around 17” diameter. Big enough to hold all your hair without slipping off and wake up without extra frizz or tangles. Good for extra long braids and long hair this bonnet allowed your hair to stay as good as they did when you walked out of the salon.

Uche Hair Dreams Bonnet

Bonnet bébé 100% coton bio

Bonnets et bandeau pour bébé en coton biologique

Bonnet bébé coton bio

Cols Claudine