

The Danger of Pine Pollen on Metal Roofs, 2019-05-06

The Danger of Pine Pollen on Metal Roofs, 2019-05-06

In mid to late spring, here in upstate New York we have an approximately three-week-long pine pollen season when the predominant local conifers release an annual epic flood of pale yellow, microscopic pollen grains into the air. Depending on time of day and environmental conditions, the male pollen particles have evolved methods to protect their gamete cells while traveling great distances in a brief time, maximizing deposition over vast areas. Although pine pollen is a solid material, when deposited in large quantities they can assume . . .
Pollen can create “black ice”-like situations for roofers.

Evaluating Roof Structural Integrity After a Snowstorm

spring Bramble Garden

Airborne pollen and fungi indoors: Evidence from primary schools

Australian RR Forums: Help Restore My 1975 Silver Shadow

Aluminum Awning With Scalloped Edge

Trademarks Journal Vol. 69 No. 3537

May, 2019

Potential ecological and health risks of heavy metals for indoor

May, 2019

Pine Needles and Leaves are Bad for Roofs

cut flower garden

The Danger of Pine Pollen on Metal Roofs, 2019-05-06

Aluminum Awning With Scalloped Edge

Karen Gimson, Bramble Garden

Karen Gimson, Bramble Garden